We are aware that Peru is going through a period of sustained economic growth that in the last years has made possible to improve the living conditions of a large number of the Peruvian people, as well as to reduce the whole poverty condition, but we also know that the mentioned growth is not for the benefit of all the Peruvian people, and there is still a large sector of people that cannot perceive those growth effects, such as the rural sectors where the people still live in extreme poverty conditions, isolated from modern progress, in particular the people from the Andean highlands located at an altitude of 2,500 meters above sea level, that live in economic and social isolation with regard to the rest of the population nationwide.
Our objective is to contribute to build a society where extreme poverty and social exclusion may be reduced substantially, generating productive capabilities with the active participation of society and looking for a culture of peace.
We receive funding through the international cooperation agencies and institutional contributions from private persons that in a generous way participate with us in this task as well as with the Carbon Bonds solution.
Pilar Nores Bodereau