The objective of training is to develop and strengthen capabilities and skills with regard to health and nutrition, healthy household, education and productive development, taking into account the area potentialities and it is addressed to the SDAs, the regional, province, district and community authorities as well as the beneficiary families. It is in this way that an inclusive intervention is ensured that will permit the empowerment of the various social stakeholders in order to achieve in a short time a great impact on public health.
Training is provided at the various coordination levels, with specific activities according to the social stakeholders to whom it is being addressed:
- Authorities: Several advocacy workshops and coordination meetings are held with the regional presidents, and province and district mayors, as well as with public and private sectors representatives to make them know the objectives of the Program SEMBRANDO, the intervention strategies and the expected outcomes.
- Likewise, information is provided about the expectations of the local governments and sectors, as well as the activities that they are implementing in the framework of the fight against poverty and children malnutrition in order to coordinate actions and to generate a greater impact.

- The ADS: The Sembrando Development Agents- ADSs, are the leaders elected by their community to be in charge of the local development issues. They are trained on various issues by the Program specialists, such as:
- health, hygiene and nutrition,
- healthy household,
- productive development,
- create awareness and provide guidance to the beneficiaries,
- follow-up and monitoring visits to the families.

- Teaching Staff: The teachers of the communities are trained so that in the learning sessions worked daily in the schoolroom they may include issues related to change of habits and uses such as personal hygiene, boiled water consumption, hand-washing, , etc. and include in the school curriculum contents related to health, hygiene, nutrition, identity and conflicts solution.
- Health Staff: The health staff is trained on the Program objectives and components in order to work together in activities such as Anthropometric measurement and hemoglobin test for children under 5 years old and pregnant women during the baseline management, and in the follow up of growth and development controls of children and prenatal care to pregnant women, as well as the exclusive consumption of boiled water, the balanced food diets with products available for the local people, and the diet complemented with fortified food (ATMIT milk ) and the consumption of the “little stars” nutrients.